90 minutes approximate course duration.

Who needs it? If you live on planet Earth, you see what we all see splattered across the headlines. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Be sure you are ready to stand in defense when the moment comes.

Preparedness requires action and this is a great step in that direction!

Developing a personal & home protection plan is a key component of not only preparing for how we should (or might) react if confronted by a violent crime, but also how we might avoid violent crime in the first place.

A protection plan is about much more than becoming proficient with a firearm or writing up a home invasion plan. It’s a plan that must encompass awareness, avoidance, and preparation, so that we’re less likely to find ourselves in a situation where we have no other option than to use our firearm.

Better understand the threats to personal safety. The purpose is to equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to help you to avoid threats. Understand the concept of reactionary gap through practical exercises. There is no better teacher than experience!

Explore the question: is a concealed carry option right for you? This class helps you to understand why it just might be and is a positive step towards that end. Having served as a police officer and CSI detective in one of America’s most violent cities, I wholeheartedly endeavor to equip you with the skills and knowledge to defend your own life and those under your charge (calling all Mama Bears and Papa’s, too).

You are your own first responder.

back view of a woman walking on a log in the forest
You are responsible for your personal protection. Let’s get you properly educated and equipped to enjoy a life full of adventure.
Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals curriculum book written by Michael Martin.
In stock and available for purchase $35.00
Highly recommended as a record to document your training journey and for reference during and after this course presentation.

Text or call now to schedule your training.

Want to dive even deeper into this topic?

Learn how to recognize a threat and what specifically you can do to increase your odds of winning…

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Curriculum written by Cindy Frost, experienced CSI Detective.
Review for Cindy Frost of Pistol & Pluck, LLC at United States Concealed Carry Association, USCCA website.

Call or text now to schedule your class (406) 961-5375.