“… the current analysis suggests that victim resistance to crimes is an advisable strategy.” 


That quote comes from a study intent to determine the impact of intended victim targets who used a gun to stop a threat.

In a quick summary, the study shows how self protection, i.e. use of a gun was an effective defensive measure during 5 types of attempted victimization to include: “sexual assaults, robberies, assaults, personal contact larcenies, and confrontational burglaries. Results of statistical analyses indicated that both forceful and nonforceful types of victim SP (self protection) reduced the risk of property loss and injury when compared to victim nonresistance. Victim self protection tactics involving greater force, such as the use of a gun, had the greatest impact on injury risk reduction.

All of that to say… An individual armed to defend is less at risk of injury and loss of property.

Deciding to carry is a personal choice. I am a mother; a wife and I purpose myself to walk with Christ. Coinciding with these facts I desire safety for my family, my self and our communities. With my own eyes I have seen and experienced guns used to amplify the intention to commit evilas well as to stop it.

I have responded to numerous calls involving women who have been victimized. Women who determined to fight back fared the best. Conversely, women who tried to stop their victimization through a voice of protest (by saying “no” or through non-compliance) were often harmed the most brutally. While my experience may be described as anecdotal, research in fact supports… In the event we find ourselves the target of criminal intent, we will fare far better if we are equipped and determined to defend.

All of that true, I must admit that I have had to wrestle with the idea to personally take up arms. This was especially true when my children were very young. It felt odd, maybe even impossible to hold both them… small tender babes and to be equipped with a concealed firearm. That was soon quelled though when a man walking his dog permitted it to run up to my infant son while he was seated in a bouncy chair on our covered front porch… the dog came running up, nose to nose with him in an aggressive manner! I was just feet away doing yard work! (We had WORDS!)

Our community also experienced a rash of attacks in the neighborhood surrounding ours… During daylight hours, a man walked residential areas targeting boys while they played or worked in their yards. In broad daylight he would assert himself sexually and victimize young boys! What despicable boldness to attack a child… and just yards from their home!

Fortunately, in Montana, our right to defend is upheld through our elected representation. We must continue to elect personnel that will uphold our rights.

For those who do not know me, it might surprise you to learn that even though I am a firearms instructor, I do not love guns. Rather, I see them simply as tools. (I don’t love hammers or nails either, jfyi! But I do love a house constructed with tools to provide safety and a place to call home for our growing families.)

The stories I have and will continue to share demonstrate that firearms can be used to maintain personal safety, stop a bad actor.

While investigating the crime of aggravated battery upon a household member, I have literally cut down and submitted for evidence a portion of wall that was used as an instrument to harm. The male half had rammed his female partner’s head repeatedly into the wall in order to subdue her. Anything can be used to harm. I have seen countless methods/tools used to victimize another. Want your eyes opened further to this fact? Look up “improvised weapons confiscated during prison shake downs”. That will further inform you to the craftiness of the malevolent. And remember, in those environments it is illegal to possess weapons!

I simply have seen too much while serving as a police officer and crime scene investigator to outsource my safety to anyone besides me.

And that’s how Pistol & Pluck, LLC came to be. It was borne naturally as friends and friends of friends began recommending me as an instructor. It takes someone who walks in our shoes as a woman to understand our vulnerabilities. Don’t get me wrong… we are smart and proficient in many areas with unique talents and gifts. However, bone density and testosterone production create problems that only tools and tactics can resolve.

I look forward to the day that Love & Peace will reign… we will sing a collective Kumbaya!

Until that day, we must stand capable to defend.

The world isn’t yet ramping up to become a more peaceful place. Look around… If we could speak directly to the citizens of the Ukraine, they would likely attest.

I could tell you several more hair-raising stories that would compel you to become defenders too, friends. I would rather however spend my time equipping you to see potential threats and to respond accordingly.

Gary Kleck, co-author of that quoted DOJ study re Resisting Crime through defensive strategies is a great resource for all the statistics to motivate:

Gun control and violence specialist, Gary Kleck.

Another fact unearthed by Gary Kleck: The year is 1966. The location: Orlando, FL. The city experienced a wave of sexual assaults in which women were targeted. City responded by offering firearms training for women (can you imagine this kind of proactivity?!) … Rapes then fell by 90%…

Fear of death is a crime deterrent!

I am a fan of Gary Kleck’s research. I thought you might enjoy his work too.

Remember and follow link to citation: Criminals report they are more fearful of meeting an armed victim than they are of the police!

How many studies (and personal narratives) are needed to find these words credible enough to take action? We must be capable to defend…

Once you understand the facts, is it not also our duty to responsibly train up the future generation?

“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.”

Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President

More stories to come! Be sure to share yours, too…

Call or text to schedule your training (406) 961-5375

Share your story: crfrost4@gmail.com ; call or text also welcomed.

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